Preventing double clicks in angular

angular, directive, javascript

Last week I was working on a SPA made with Angular and I was incurring in a classic problem: the double click.

You know the situation: a button is clicked, a call is made to the server to create a new order and after the call finishes the form closes. In my case if you were fast enough you could click a couple of times on the button before the call finished, resulting in multiple calls and multiple orders.

To solve this problem once and for all I decided to try my hand at creating a custom directive. Looking in Angular the source code I searched for the ng-click directive and modified it to create ng-single-click.

This directive can be used by simply substituting ng-click with ng-single-click. If the invoked expression returns something similar to a Promise (meaning it has a finally function) it will automatically ignore all the clicks on the element between the start of the promise and its fulfillment or rejection.

PS: After some tests I noticed that stopping clicks without giving the user a hint that work is currently being done is not a good user experience so I created a second version of this directive that adapts ladda-button to show a working animation in the clicked button.
