Monitoring a Windows enviroment: servers
Once all the programs described in the previous post are installed we can start to familiarize with the system.
One question arises: what data to capture? This depends on the role of the server where the collecting agent is installed.
For an application server we can collect some basic data:
- we can use Telegraf inputs cpu, disk e mem
- some useful Performance Counters to collect are:
- Processor : “% Idle Time”, “% Interrupt Time”, “% Privileged Time”, “% User Time”, “% Processor Time” (only _Total)
- Network Interface: “Bytes Received/sec”, “Bytes Sent/sec”, “Bytes Total/sec” (all istances except _Total)
- LogicalDisk : “Disk Bytes/sec”, “Disk Read Bytes/sec”, “Disk Write Bytes/sec” (all istances except _Total)
If the server hosts web applications you can add these Performance Counters:
- ASP.NET : “Requests Queued”
- ASP.NET Apps v4.0.30319 : “Requests/sec”, “Sessions active”
- Web Service: “Connection Attempts/sec”, “Current Connections”
If you are using MSMQ:
- MSMQ Queue : “Messages in Queue” (you can read them all or specify individual queues),
- MSMQ Service : “Total bytes in all queues” (this is important as MSMQ by default has a 1GB limit for messages saved and will refuse new messages when that limit is reached)